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When a search engine updates, we send an SMS alert
# SEO Assistant
Featured on : Sep 11. 2023
Featured on : Sep 11. 2023
What is
Update Canary is a simple free software as a service (SAAS) that monitors announcements from search engines of an algorithm update or change. If an update is announced a SMS text message alert is sent to your mobile device.
SEO professionals and digital marketers must constantly monitor search engine algorithm updates to optimize their strategies effectively. Missing an update can lead to decreased website visibility and traffic. The main drawbacks are the time-consuming nature of manually tracking updates and the risk of missing critical updates.
Update Canary is a software as a service (SAAS) that monitors announcements from search engines regarding algorithm updates or changes. If an update is announced, it sends a SMS text message alert to the user's mobile device, ensuring they are immediately informed.
The primary users are SEO professionals, digital marketers, and website owners who need to stay informed about search engine updates to optimize their strategies and maintain or improve their site rankings.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of Update Canary is its direct SMS alert system for search engine algorithm updates, ensuring immediate notification without the need for manual monitoring.
User Comments
As of my knowledge cutoff in April 2023, specific user comments and feedback for Update Canary are not available for analysis.
Details regarding the traction of Update Canary, such as number of users, MRR/ARR, or significant growth milestones, are not readily available as of my knowledge cutoff in April 2023.
Market Size
The global SEO services market size was estimated at $46.66 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $103.24 billion by 2025, evidencing the high demand and significance of services enabling effective SEO strategies.