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Trademark Owl
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Trademark Owl
Easily protect your brand in HALF the cost!
# Legal Assistant
Featured on : Feb 7. 2024
Featured on : Feb 7. 2024
What is Trademark Owl?
Trademark Owl is your go-to place to protect your brand. Our A.I. guided flow leads you into submitting all the materials needed to produce a strong trademark application way cheaper. Our pricing is transparent and every application is filed by an attorney!
Users face difficulties in filing trademark applications due to complex legal procedures and high costs typically associated with legal services.
Trademark Owl is a web-based platform that provides a guided A.I. flow for submitting trademark applications, aiming to simplify the process and reduce costs. The AI assistant collects necessary materials for a strong application, which is then filed by an attorney.
Entrepreneurs, small business owners, and individuals who need to protect their brand but are looking for a cost-effective and straightforward solution.
Unique Features
The combination of AI guidance with professional attorney filing ensures both cost efficiency and legal rigor. Transparent pricing and a promise to cut costs by half are standout offers.
User Comments
Convenience of AI-guided process
Cost savings
Transparent pricing
Professional attorney involvement
Ease of use
As of my knowledge cutoff in April 2023, I can't provide current metrics. Please consult Trademark Owl’s Product Hunt page or official website for up-to-date traction details.
Market Size
The global legal services market was valued at $849 billion in 2021. While specific data for the trademark service market isn't provided, it is a notable segment within this broader industry.