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Totem Word
Discover your core word, a digital twist on a fun word game
# Fun Tools
Featured on : Sep 4. 2023
Featured on : Sep 4. 2023
What is Totem Word?
Totem Word is a digital word game I created to help you find your core word. Start with 10 words, narrow it to 5, and finally pick one that defines you. It's a quick, fun way to gain self-insight or just enjoy some downtime. Give it a try!
Users struggle to find a way to gain self-insight or enjoy downtime, leading to missed opportunities for personal growth or relaxation. The lack of engaging methods to achieve self-reflection and leisure represents a key issue.
Totem Word offers a digital word game format where users start with 10 words, narrow them down to 5, and finally select one that defines them. This approach provides a fun and interactive means for users to gain self-insight or simply enjoy some downtime.
People seeking personal growth, relaxation, and those interested in word games or self-discovery tools are the primary users. Individuals looking for fun, insightful activities are most likely to use this product.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of Totem Word is its structured approach to finding one's core word through a fun, game-like process. It's a digital twist on word games designed for self-reflection.
User Comments
Users find the game quick and fun.
It offers a unique way to gain self-insight.
People enjoy the simplicity of the game.
Users appreciate the game for downtime.
The game is seen as a refreshing take on word games.
Due to the constraints, unable to provide specific traction data.
Market Size
The global board games market, which digital word games are a subset of, is expected to reach $21.56 billion by 2025.