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The Weekendest iOS App
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The Weekendest iOS App
Real-time Subway Map for NYC
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Featured on : May 29. 2024
Featured on : May 29. 2024
What is The Weekendest iOS App?
The first real-time New York City subway map, rebuilt for iOS! - Nearby stations train times - Real-time subway routings on a map - Data-driven delay detection - Follow your train, next stop info on Lock Screen* - No ads! * Require paid subscription add-on
Users in NYC often struggle with inefficient and unpredictable subway services, unable to easily access real-time information, which leads to increased commute times and difficulty in planning efficient travel routes.
The Weekendest is an iOS app offering a real-time New York City subway map. Users can view nearby stations' train times, real-time subway routings on a map, and data-driven delay detection. The app also lets users follow their train and displays next stop info on the Lock Screen.
Commuters, everyday travelers, tourists visiting NYC, and anyone needing up-to-date information on subway schedules and delays to plan their travel efficiently.
Unique Features
Real-time subway map updates, lock screen integration for live follow-up on train routes and stops, and no advertisements in the basic service.
User Comments
Highly accurate and updated
Great for planning daily commutes
Essential for navigating NYC's complex subway
Subscription is valuable for frequent users
User-friendly interface
1,500 upvotes on ProductHunt, multi-thousand user base since launch, continuous updates, and positive reviews.
Market Size
The public transportation apps market is growing, with $1.2 billion estimated valuation in the upcoming years.