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Case converter for your browser, Figma, Canva and VsCode.
# Text to Image
Featured on : Sep 13. 2024
Featured on : Sep 13. 2024
What is | Free Case Conversion?
Easily convert your text to UPPER CASE, lower case, Capital Case, Sentence case, AlTeRnAtE CaSe, and more with just a simple click. Available as a plugin for VsCode, Canva, and Figma. More platforms coming soon 👀
Users need to manually convert text to different cases like UPPER CASE, lower case, Capital Case, Sentence case, AlTeRnAtE CaSe, etc., leading to time-consuming and tedious tasks.
Browser, Figma, Canva, and VsCode plugin for easy text conversion to various cases with a simple click.
Core features: Easily convert text to UPPER CASE, lower case, Capital Case, Sentence case, AlTeRnAtE CaSe, and more.
Content creators, designers, developers, writers, or anyone who frequently works with text and needs to convert text to different cases efficiently.
Unique Features
Plugin availability for popular platforms like VsCode, Canva, and Figma making text case conversion seamless and convenient.
User Comments
Saves a lot of time with quick case conversions.
Very useful tool for my design work.
Works great across different platforms.
Active plugin usage on VsCode, Canva, and Figma.
Regular updates and new features additions.
Market Size
Global demand of text case conversion tools is estimated to be significant, with the market value exceeding $1 billion.