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Stacks - Your search co-pilot
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Stacks - Your search co-pilot
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# Search Engine
Featured on : May 25. 2024
Featured on : May 25. 2024
What is Stacks - Your search co-pilot?
Stacks is your search co-pilot. It provides recommendations using the knowledge that is left hidden and forgotten in bookmarks, research notes, newsletters, and knowledge repositories across the platforms.
Users struggle with inefficient browsing and data retrieval due to hidden and forgotten knowledge in bookmarks, research notes, newsletters, and knowledge repositories across platforms.
Stacks introduces a search co-pilot tool, designed to enhance browsing capabilities by organizing and surfacing relevant information embedded within users' bookmarks, notes, newsletters, and knowledge repositories. It helps retrieve and utilize scattered knowledge, making research and information retrieval more streamlined.
Researchers, academics, and professionals who frequently depend on a vast array of saved content across various platforms.
Unique Features
Stacks distinguishes itself by consolidating and recommending knowledge from disparate sources like bookmarks, notes, and knowledge bases directly in your browser.
User Comments
Users appreciate improved search efficiency.
They like the seamless integration into the browser.
Positive remarks on the AI-powered recommendations.
Enthusiastic about the ease of accessing buried information.
Some desire more customization options.
Stacks was recently showcased on ProductHunt with positive reviews, but specific user counts and revenue details are not public.
Market Size
The market for knowledge management and retrieval solutions is growing, especially among knowledge workers and professionals. Projected global market size by 2025 is valued at $1.1 billion.