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Generate Sounds for Visuals with AI
# Audio Editing
Featured on : Nov 28. 2023
Featured on : Nov 28. 2023
What is Soundify?
Upload an image of a scene. Generate immersive sounds. Try using photographs, illustrations, video game scenes, AI-generated art, and more!
Content creators, game developers, and artists struggle to find suitable sounds for their visuals, leading to a lack of immersive experiences in their projects.
Soundify is a digital platform that allows users to upload images of a scene and generate immersive sounds for photographs, illustrations, video game scenes, AI-generated art, and more.
The primary users are likely to be content creators, game developers, and digital artists who need immersive soundscapes for their visual projects.
Unique Features
The ability to generate context-specific sounds based on visual input sets Soundify apart. This involves analyzing the visual elements of an image to produce a soundscape that matches the scene.
User Comments
Currently, there is no direct user feedback available from my resources.
There is no specific traction data available from the provided resources or accessible databases.
Market Size
The market for digital sound effects is part of the broader audio production market, which was valued at approximately $16.2 billion in 2021.