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Post your friends, be the main character
# Social Media Assistant
Featured on : Jul 21. 2023
Featured on : Jul 21. 2023
What is Snapshots?
Snapshots is a social network that allows your friends to post directly to your profile in addition to their own. Post a snapshot by taking a photo or live moment of a friend, select them from the 'post to' list, and share.
In traditional social networks, users can only post content to their own profiles, limiting the variety of perspectives and content about an individual's experiences. The limitations of perspectives and content variety when individuals can only post about themselves.
Snapshots is a social network platform where friends can also post content directly to each other's profiles. Users capture a photo or live moment, choose a friend from the 'post to' list, and share the content. This approach allows for a fuller representation of an individual's experiences from their community's perspective.
The primary user persona for Snapshots includes young adults and teenagers who are actively engaged in social media and value community-driven content and a diversified portrayal of individual experiences.
Unique Features
The standout feature of Snapshots is its capability for friends to directly contribute content to each other's profiles, fostering a sense of community and diverse personal representation.
User Comments
Users appreciate the community-centric approach.
The platform enhances personal storytelling.
Increased engagement within friend groups.
Users find it refreshing compared to traditional social media.
The user interface is intuitive and user-friendly.
Since the provided links do not offer quantitative traction data such as user numbers or revenue, specific statistics are not available.
Market Size
The global social networking platforms market size was valued at $192.95 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow.