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smol developer
Your personal junior developer
# DevOps Assistant
Featured on : May 20. 2023
Featured on : May 20. 2023
What is smol developer?
Instead of making and maintaining specific, rigid, one-shot starters, like create-react-app, or create-nextjs-app, this is basically create-anything-app where you develop your scaffolding prompt in a tight loop with your smol dev.
Developers spend significant time making and maintaining specific, rigid, one-shot starters for projects, like create-react-app, or create-nextjs-app, which lack flexibility and can consume valuable development time.
Smol Developer is a tool designed to act as your personal junior developer, offering a flexible solution to project scaffolding. Users can develop their scaffolding prompt in a tight loop with Smol Developer, turning it into a create-anything-app solution.
The primary customers are developers and software engineers looking for efficient and flexible solutions for project initialization and scaffolding, seeking to reduce setup time and increase productivity.
Unique Features
The unique feature of Smol Developer is its ability to be a create-anything-app where you can develop your scaffolding prompt in a tight loop. This flexibility and adaptability in project scaffolding stand out.
User Comments
Saves time in project setup
Flexible compared to existing starters
Enhances productivity
Easy to use and implement
Innovative approach to scaffolding
Due to the constraints, there's no specific data available. However, considering its presence on Product Hunt, it shows initial interest and validation within the developer community.
Market Size
Data not available but considering the growing software development industry, the potential market size is significant, with millions of developers worldwide.