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No notification for spam messages
# Other
Featured on : Jan 25. 2024
Featured on : Jan 25. 2024
What is Silter?
Silter keeps iMessage clean by blocking SPAM messages silently. You will not get notified when a SPAM message comes.
iMessage users receive SPAM messages that disrupt their communication experience, leading to unwanted notifications and cluttered inboxes.
Silter is a tool that blocks SPAM messages in iMessage silently, ensuring users do not get notified about SPAM messages, thus keeping their messaging interface clean.
iMessage users looking to enhance their communication experience by eliminating SPAM messages and notifications.
Unique Features
The unique feature of Silter is its ability to silently block SPAM messages without notifying the user, ensuring a seamless messaging experience.
User Comments
Comments or reviews from users are not available.
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User impression on usability and effectiveness remains unknown.
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Lack of user testimonials makes it challenging to gauge public opinion.
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Market Size
Data not available to accurately extrapolate the market size for iMessage SPAM filtering products.