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Sibyl AI
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Sibyl AI
The worlds first AI spiritual guide and metaphysical LLM
# Life Assistant
Featured on : Aug 20. 2023
Featured on : Aug 20. 2023
What is Sibyl AI?
The world's first spiritual AI for Neophytes, Adepts, and Holistic Practitioners trained on volumes of rare metaphysical knowledge and experience. Freemium Plan, AI-to-AI Conversations, Chat Visualization, Speech Enabled, Multilingual support in 99 Languages.
Users seeking spiritual guidance or metaphysical insights previously had to rely on scarce and hard-to-find metaphysical knowledge or experienced holistic practitioners, facing issues such as accessibility, language barriers, and the availability of expert advice.
A spiritual AI guide, Sibyl AI, offering a Freemium Plan, AI-to-AI Conversations, Chat Visualization, and Speech Enabled support in 99 Languages. It's designed for Neophytes, Adepts, and Holistic Practitioners and trained on volumes of rare metaphysical knowledge.
This product is likely to attract spiritual seekers, holistic practitioners, and individuals interested in metaphysics, regardless of their expertise level, from beginners (Neophytes) to more advanced learners (Adepts).
User Comments
Innovative and unique approach to spirituality.
Offers broad language support, making it accessible globally.
Freemium plan is appreciated for trying out the service.
AI-to-AI Conversations are a standout and futuristic feature.
Visualization and speech features enhance the user experience.
Market Size
The global wellness market, including spiritual and holistic practices, was valued at approximately $4.5 trillion as of 2019, indicating a large potential market for Sibyl AI.