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Shoes mileage tracker
# Life Assistant
Featured on : Feb 6. 2024
Featured on : Feb 6. 2024
What is SHOOZ?
With the SHOOZ app, you can track the distance covered in your workout shoes to avoid injuries and improve your training performance. Create your shoe collection and track the mileage!
Runners and athletes often struggle with knowing when to replace their workout shoes, which can lead to wearing overused shoes that increase the risk of injuries and impair training performance.
A mobile app that allows users to track the distance covered in their workout shoes. Users can create a shoe collection on the app and monitor each pair's mileage.
Athletes and fitness enthusiasts who regularly engage in running or other workouts requiring specialized footwear.
Unique Features
The core feature that differentiates SHOOZ from similar apps is its focused capability to create an organized catalog of a user's shoe collection and track each pair's specific mileage for optimal replacement timing.
User Comments
No user comments available prior to product launch.
No traction data available as product information is sourced from pre-launch on ProductHunt.
Market Size
Not enough information available to extrapolate market size accurately.