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Share Brewfiles
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# Developer Tools
Featured on : May 31. 2024
Featured on : May 31. 2024
What is Share Brewfiles?
Run a quick CLI command to upload your Brewfile packages to our site. Then, check out other developers' packages, see our leaderboard to discover top tools, and have some fun generating your very own dev personality type to share with your friends!
Developers often struggle to discover and share useful software tools and configurations efficiently, which can hinder productivity and collaboration.
A web-based dashboard that enables developers to upload their Brewfile packages via a CLI command and view others' packages. Users can explore a leaderboard of top tools, and generate a developer personality type to share.
Software developers especially those using Homebrew, and tech enthusiasts looking to optimize their setup or collaborate on tool sets.
Unique Features
CLI integration for Brewfile uploads, developer leaderboard, and personality type generator specifically tailored for developers.
Recently added a feature for plugin recommendations. Over 10,000 Brewfiles uploaded since launch, with 3,000 active monthly users.
Market Size
The developer tools market is $5.2 billion.