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Serra (YC S23)
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Serra (YC S23)
Find the best talent with AI
# AI Tools Directory
Featured on : Sep 11. 2024
Featured on : Sep 11. 2024
What is Serra (YC S23)?
Serra is a GPT-powered search engine for recruiters. Instead of manually selecting keywords and reviewing candidates one by one, recruiters can search in plain English and instantly see the best matches, with all their research done for them.
Recruiters manually selecting keywords and reviewing candidates one by one.
Drawbacks: Time-consuming and inefficient process, prone to overlooking qualified candidates.
AI-powered search engine
Core features: Allows recruiters to search in plain English, instantly see the best matches, and have all the necessary research done for them.
User persona: Recruiters across various industries and companies looking to streamline their candidate search process.
Unique Features
AI-driven candidate matching based on plain English input, eliminating the need for manual keyword selection.
Automated research on candidates to provide recruiters with comprehensive information.
User Comments
Great tool for finding top talent quickly and easily.
Saves a lot of time and effort in the candidate search process.
Highly accurate matches and helpful insights on candidates.
Intuitive and user-friendly interface for recruiters.
Significantly improves efficiency and success in recruitment.
Featured on ProductHunt with positive reviews and user engagement.
Growing user base with increasing adoption by recruiters.
Continuous updates and improvements to enhance user experience.
Market Size
$200 billion global recruitment industry value, with a shift towards AI-enabled tools for talent acquisition and management.