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Generate researched + personalized AI emails in seconds
# Email Marketing
Featured on : Aug 17. 2023
Featured on : Aug 17. 2023
What is SellScale?
Generate a personalized sales emails in 30 seconds or less. Try prompts like warm intros, cold outreach, LI intro, and more. SellScale pulls from various data sources like news, social networks, search results, sales DBs, and more to personalize the emails.
Sales teams and professionals struggle to generate personalized, effective sales emails quickly, often leading to less engagement and lower conversion rates due to the use of generic, impersonal outreach methods.
SellScale is a dashboard tool that generates researched and personalized AI emails in seconds, catering to various scenarios like warm intros, cold outreach, and LinkedIn introductions. It leverages data from news, social networks, search results, sales databases, and more to enrich the personalization of emails.
The primary users are sales teams, marketing professionals, and individual salespersons who require efficient tools to create personalized outreach emails to enhance engagement and conversion rates.
Unique Features
SellScale's standout feature is its ability to quickly generate highly personalized sales emails by pulling information from diverse sources like news outlets, social media, and sales databases.
User Comments
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Market Size
The global email marketing market size was valued at $7.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow, indicating a substantial potential market for personalized email generation tools like SellScale.