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Saved for later.
The website blocker that gets out of your way
# Productivity Tools
Featured on : Oct 17. 2023
Featured on : Oct 17. 2023
What is Saved for later.?
Some websites are distracting, but too useful to block all the time. Use Saved for Later to manage your use of them. Blocked links are saved in case you need to access them later. You can unblock distracting sites for just a few minutes at a time.
Users are distracted by certain websites that are useful but hinder productivity. The challenge lies in managing access to these sites without completely blocking them, leading to potential loss of useful resources. The drawbacks include reduced productivity and the dilemma of whether to block valuable but distracting websites.
Saved for Later is a website blocker tool that allows users to temporarily block access to distracting websites while saving the links for later access. It provides the option to unblock these sites for a few minutes at a time, ensuring that users can manage their productivity without losing access to potentially useful sites.
The primary users are professionals and students who require the internet for research or work but get easily distracted by certain sites. This tool is particularly useful for those who have self-regulated productivity goals but struggle with discipline on the internet. Professionals and students are the main user personas.
Unique Features
The unique features of Saved for Later include its ability to save blocked links for future access, and the flexibility to unblock sites for specific short durations. This approach ensures users do not permanently lose access to helpful resources while focusing on productivity.
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Market Size
The global productivity software market was valued at approximately $46.49 billion in 2020. Considering Saved for Later's potential user base and the growing interest in digital well-being tools, the market for such productivity-enhancing solutions is significant.