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Real Mock Interviews
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Real Mock Interviews
Conquer your next job interview with AI Mock Interviews
# Voice Assistants
Featured on : Jan 23. 2024
Featured on : Jan 23. 2024
What is Real Mock Interviews?
Real Mock Interviews is voice-based AI Mock Interview tool to conquer your next job interview. Generate questions via CV (or resume), Job Description, or browse premade sets. Conversations are turn-based, include suggestions and feedback summaries.
Candidates often struggle with job interviews due to lack of practice and tailored feedback, leading to missed opportunities and lack of confidence.
Real Mock Interviews offers a voice-based AI Mock Interview tool that generates interview questions based on the user's CV, job description, or from pre-made sets. It provides a turn-based conversation experience with suggestions and feedback summaries.
Job seekers, career changers, recent graduates, and professionals looking to advance their careers are most likely to use this product.
Unique Features
The product's unique features include its voice-based interaction, personalized question generation from CVs or job descriptions, and detailed feedback summaries.
User Comments
Users appreciate the personalized feedback.
Many found it effective in boosting confidence before interviews.
The voice-based interaction is highlighted as an innovative approach.
Users enjoy the convenience of tailored questions based on their CV.
Some users express a desire for more diverse and complex question sets.
As the required data concerning traction (users, revenue, etc.) was not available directly through the provided links or a brief search, specific figures cannot be provided. Additional information could potentially be obtained directly from the product's creators or through direct product inquiry.
Market Size
The online job interview preparation market is growing, with a significant demand for tools that help job seekers. While specific statistics for AI-Mock Interview tools are scarce, the broader job recruitment market, including preparation services, was valued at $28.68 billion in 2021.