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Write reports and synthesize data rapidly with AI
# General Writing
Featured on : Jul 9. 2024
Featured on : Jul 9. 2024
What is uses AI to build an analysis workspace where users can synthesize large amounts of qualitative unstructured data from audio and text. We help reduce time spent on user research by 70% with the same quality of insights.
Users need to synthesize large amounts of unstructured data from audio and text for qualitative analysis. Traditionally, this process is time-consuming and requires significant manual effort, resulting in reduced efficiency and slower decision-making.
Solution is an AI-powered analysis workspace that enables users to synthesize unstructured qualitative data rapidly. It automates the processing of audio and text data, reducing the time spent on user research by 70% without compromising the quality of insights.
The primary users of are market researchers, data analysts, and UX researchers who regularly work with large sets of unstructured data and need to derive insights efficiently.
Unique Features uniquely automates the synthesis of unstructured qualitative data, dramatically cutting down the time required for analysis and maintains high-quality insights, exemplified by a 70% reduction in time spent on user research.
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Market Size
The global market for text analytics was valued at $6.5 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow, with businesses increasingly adopting AI for data analysis.