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Find Remote Jobs with AI - Swipe and match jobs near you
# Job Search Assistant
Featured on : Feb 11. 2024
Featured on : Feb 11. 2024
What is Quickjobs.App?
Swipe and match with jobs near you - find remote talent for your projects today! Negotiate offers and monetize your services directly in the app! Find Your Next Opportunity or Talent on!
Users struggle to efficiently find remote jobs suitable to their skills and location preferences. Traditional job search platforms may be time-consuming and lack personalization.
A mobile app that uses AI to match users with remote jobs near them. It allows swiping to apply and direct negotiation of offers within the app.
Job seekers looking for remote opportunities and companies needing to find remote talent.
Unique Features
AI-powered job matching, location-based job recommendations, in-app offer negotiation, and a swiper interface for job applications.
User Comments
Positive feedback on ease of use.
Appreciation for the regional job matches.
Likes the swipe feature for job applications.
Positive remarks on the in-app negotiation feature.
Some users suggest improvements on job filters.
Launched on ProductHunt, user reviews and feedback are being gathered, precise user numbers and revenue not disclosed.
Market Size
The global online recruitment market size was valued at $28.68 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow.