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Profitable Chrome Extension Ideas
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Profitable Chrome Extension Ideas
Find popular Chrome extensions to acquire or compete with
# AI Tools Directory
Featured on : Aug 20. 2024
Featured on : Aug 20. 2024
What is Profitable Chrome Extension Ideas?
This database contains 84,504 Chrome extensions still using the deprecated Manifest V2. Many of these will soon be disabled. Find golden opportunities to acquire or build your own version by filtering on install count, ratings, and more.
Users need to find profitable Chrome extension ideas to acquire or compete with before they are disabled due to deprecated Manifest V2.
A database containing 84,504 Chrome extensions still using the deprecated Manifest V2. Users can find popular Chrome extensions to acquire or compete with by filtering on install count, ratings, and more.
Developers, entrepreneurs, and businesses looking for profitable Chrome extension ideas to acquire or compete with.
Unique Features
The database offers a large collection of Chrome extensions still using the deprecated Manifest V2, allowing users to filter extensions based on install count, ratings, and other criteria to find lucrative opportunities.
User Comments
Comprehensive database with valuable insights on Chrome extensions
Easy to use filtering options for efficient decision-making
Great tool for acquiring new extension ideas
Informative data on install count and ratings
Helps in identifying potential competitive extensions
The product has received positive feedback on ProductHunt, signifying user interest and engagement.
Market Size
The market for acquiring and competing with Chrome extensions can be significant, with the Chrome Web Store alone hosting thousands of extensions and a wide user base.