What is Planny USA?
We help travelers discover and plan their perfect USA trips effortlessly. From personalized itineraries to top activities, hotel deals, concerts, sports events, and travel tips, Planny USA provides real-time recommendations tailored to your preferences.
Travelers struggle to plan their USA trips efficiently, leading to missing out on personalized experiences and deals.
An AI-powered travel guide in the form of an app that assists travelers in exploring the USA by providing personalized itineraries, top activities, hotel deals, concerts, sports events, and travel tips.
Frequent travelers to the USA looking for personalized trip planning with real-time recommendations.
Unique Features
Real-time recommendations tailored to user preferences, personalized itineraries, top activities, hotel deals, concert, sports event suggestions.
User Comments
Easy to use and saves time on trip planning.
Provides great suggestions for exploring the USA.
Helpful for discovering hidden gems and local experiences.
Makes travel planning enjoyable and hassle-free.
Great tool for finding exciting activities during trips.
Planny USA has gained significant traction with over 100,000 downloads within the first month of launch, showcasing positive user adoption.
Market Size
The global travel market was valued at around $1.75 trillion in 2019 and is expected to reach $2.6 trillion by 2025, indicating a significant opportunity for AI travel guide products like Planny USA.