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Picked Make Decision
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Picked Make Decision
Make fun decisions with friends and save smartly every day!
# Life Assistant
Featured on : Sep 4. 2024
Featured on : Sep 4. 2024
What is Picked Make Decision?
Make decisions fun and easy! Add unlimited text fields, tag friends and spin the wheel for random picks. Track decisions and daily savings with our piggy bank feature. Turn every choice into a game and save effortlessly while seeing real-time progress!
Users struggle to make decisions in a fun and easy way, involving friends and tracking daily savings
Drawbacks of the old situation: Lack of engagement in decision-making process, difficulty in tracking daily savings, and making choices a mundane task.
A decision-making platform in the form of a mobile app/web tool
Users can add unlimited text fields, tag friends, spin the wheel for random picks, and track decisions and daily savings
Core features: Unlimited text fields, friend tagging, random pick generation, decision tracking, and a piggy bank feature for daily savings.
Individuals looking to make decisions in a fun and engaging way while saving money daily
Occupation or position: Students, young professionals, and anyone who values tracking their choices and savings.
Unique Features
Incorporates gamification into decision-making and savings processes
Offers an interactive way to make choices involving friends
Combines decision tracking with a savings feature for daily progress monitoring
User Comments
Fun and engaging way to decide with friends
The piggy bank feature motivates to save daily
Easy-to-use interface for adding text fields and spinning the wheel
Great tool for tracking decisions and savings progress
Highly recommended for daily decision-making and saving goals
Reached 10k users within the first month of launch
Featured on ProductHunt homepage with 500+ upvotes and positive reviews
Growing community engagement on social media platforms
Market Size
The market for decision-making and savings apps is growing rapidly, with a global valuation of $10 billion in 2021.