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Convert your web visitors with personalized AI conversations
# AI Personalized Video Generator
Featured on : Nov 5. 2023
Featured on : Nov 5. 2023
What is Orba?
Orba is your best sales rep! It seeks to understand customer problems and positions your product based on those needs. No need for scripts! Simply upload your product messaging documents.
Web visitors often have generic experiences that do not address their specific needs, leading to lower conversion rates and less effective sales engagements.
Orba is a personalized AI conversation tool that understands customer problems and positions products according to those needs, without the need for pre-written scripts. Users can upload their product messaging documents to tailor conversations.
Sales representatives, digital marketers, and e-commerce business owners looking to improve conversion rates on their websites.
Unique Features
Orba's key distinction lies in its ability to dynamically understand and respond to customer problems without the need for predefined scripts, providing a personalized sales experience.
User Comments
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Market Size
The global conversational AI market was valued at $5.78 billion in 2021.