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OneBill Usage Rating / Metering Engine
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OneBill Usage Rating / Metering Engine
Process, Rate/Meter, and Bill Any Usage Event at Scale
# [Business]
Featured on : Aug 27. 2024
Featured on : Aug 27. 2024
What is OneBill Usage Rating / Metering Engine?
OneBill’s Usage Rating Engine enables you to track your customers’ consumption of a product or a service and give them flexibility to rate and bill on any aspect of your products such as seats, text messages, minutes, bandwidth, clicks, API calls, downloads.
Current situation of the users involves manually tracking customers' consumption of different aspects of products or services, leading to inefficiencies and potential inaccuracies in rating and billing.
Drawbacks: Involves manual tracking of consumption, lacks flexibility in rating and billing on various aspects of products/services, prone to errors and inefficiencies.
Dashboard tool allowing users to track customers' consumption of products/services and providing flexibility to rate and bill on different aspects like seats, text messages, minutes, bandwidth, clicks, API calls, downloads.
Core features: Track customers' consumption, rate and bill on various aspects, flexibility in billing, scalability.
Subscription-based businesses, SaaS companies, Telecom service providers, Cloud service providers, IoT companies.
Occupation or specific position: Billing managers, Subscription managers, Product managers, CFOs, Telecom service managers.
Unique Features
Flexibility to rate and bill customers on any aspect of product/service consumption.
Scalability to handle usage events at a large scale.
Customizable billing options for different types of products or services.
User Comments
Easy-to-use dashboard for tracking and billing.
Provides accurate usage rating for different aspects of products/services.
Flexible billing options appreciated by subscription businesses.
Scalability helps handle growing customer base effectively.
Great tool for managing complex billing scenarios.
Product launched with positive reviews on ProductHunt.
Growing user base with increasing subscriptions.
Over $200k in MRR and 500+ active users within the first year of launch.
Secured $2 million in seed funding with plans for product expansion.
Founder has strong industry connections and visibility within the billing and subscription management space.
Market Size
$10.5 billion market size for subscription billing and management software in 2021.
Expected to grow at a CAGR of 15% from 2021 to 2028.
Increasing demand from SaaS, telecom, and IoT industries for flexible billing solutions.