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Omi AI
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Omi AI
Open-source AI companion app that works with any device
# AI Assistant
Featured on : Aug 29. 2024
Featured on : Aug 29. 2024
What is Omi AI?
Discover Omi AI - your personal AI mobile app that listens, remembers conversations, takes notes, and prepares tasks for you. Connect to any device and stay organized with real-time notifications and comprehensive memory assistance. Fully open-source.
Users struggle to stay organized, remember conversations, take notes, and prepare tasks efficiently, leading to a lack of productivity and forgetfulness.
A personal AI mobile app called Omi AI that acts as a companion, listening, remembering conversations, taking notes, and preparing tasks for users. Users can connect to any device, receive real-time notifications, and benefit from comprehensive memory assistance. The app is fully open-source.
Professionals, students, or individuals seeking productivity enhancement, memory assistance, and organizational support across various devices.
Unique Features
The app offers real-time notifications, listens and remembers conversations, takes notes, prepares tasks, and provides comprehensive memory assistance in an open-source environment.
User Comments
Clean user interface and intuitive design
Helps in staying organized and enhances productivity
Convenient memory assistance feature
Seamless integration with various devices
Appreciation for being open-source
Continuously growing user base
Positive reviews on ProductHunt
Active engagement and feedback from users
Market Size
The market for AI companion apps and productivity tools is growing rapidly, with a projected value of $40 billion in the next five years.