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Generate long stories using AI
# AI Creative Writing
Featured on : Mar 12. 2023
Featured on : Mar 12. 2023
What is Novelizer?
Novelizer is a story generator. It writes novels for you chapter by chapter. You control the characters and events. It's fun to see what it comes up with! Each chapter continues the story, taking into account events and characters from the chapters before.
Writers and creative individuals struggle with writer's block, finding it difficult to generate cohesive and engaging long stories. The process can be time-consuming and discouraging, leading to unfinished works and reduced creative output.
Novelizer is a story generator tool that helps users write novels chapter by chapter. Users can control characters and events, making the creation process interactive and engaging. It ensures each chapter builds upon the previous ones, considering all prior events and characters.
The tool is most suited for aspiring authors, creative writers, and individuals interested in storytelling who are looking for an innovative way to overcome creative blocks and efficiently generate long stories.
Unique Features
Novelizer's unique approach lies in its ability to generate cohesive long stories chapter by chapter, integrating user-defined characters and events to ensure continuity and coherence throughout the novel.
User Comments
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Market Size
The global book market, serving as a broader context for novel writing apps such as Novelizer, was valued at approximately $120 billion as of recent estimates.