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notion-echo (Telegram: @notion_echo_bot)
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notion-echo (Telegram: @notion_echo_bot)
Write your notion bot as you were writing to a friend
# AI Chatbot
Featured on : Sep 17. 2024
Featured on : Sep 17. 2024
What is notion-echo (Telegram: @notion_echo_bot)?
A telegram bot that works as a bridge between Telegram and Notion, to write your notes as you were writing to a friend.
Users need to manually transfer notes from Telegram to Notion, which is time-consuming and inefficient.
Manually transfer notes from Telegram to Notion
Telegram bot as a bridge between Telegram and Notion
Bridge between Telegram and Notion to write notes seamlessly
Individuals who use both Telegram and Notion for note-taking or knowledge management.
Individuals managing notes in Telegram and Notion
Unique Features
Seamless integration between Telegram and Notion for note-taking, mimicking a friendly conversation style.
Automated transfer of notes from Telegram to Notion in a conversational manner.
User Comments
Saves me so much time transferring my notes!
The bot feels like talking with a friend, very user-friendly.
Great tool for keeping my Telegram notes organized in Notion.
Simple yet powerful solution for note management across platforms.
Highly recommended for anyone using Telegram and Notion together.
Growing user base with positive reviews on ProductHunt.
Continuous improvement and feature updates based on user feedback.
Active engagement and interaction with users on the platform.
Market Size
Global digital note-taking market size was valued at $5.4 billion in 2021.