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My Knowledge Base
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My Knowledge Base
It's like a second brain.
# Knowledge Management
Featured on : Sep 17. 2024
Featured on : Sep 17. 2024
What is My Knowledge Base?
An iOS and Mac app to store the many pieces of information that you come across or learn each day, that you may want to reference in the future. It's great for those who have a hard time remembering things.
Users struggle to remember and reference the many pieces of information they come across daily.
An iOS and Mac app that serves as a knowledge base to store and easily access information for future reference.
Users can store various pieces of information they want to remember and reference later, helping them overcome memory challenges.
Professionals who deal with a large amount of information daily and need a system to organize and recall it efficiently.
Unique Features
Provides a centralized digital space to store and categorize information for quick retrieval.
Offers a seamless experience across iOS and Mac devices for accessibility.
The app has gained traction on Product Hunt, indicating interest and engagement from users.
Market Size
Knowledge management market was valued at approximately $2.2 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $5.8 billion by 2026.