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MinusX (YC S24)
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MinusX (YC S24)
AI Data Scientist for Jupyter and Metabase
# [Productivity]
Featured on : Aug 21. 2024
Featured on : Aug 21. 2024
What is MinusX (YC S24)?
MinusX is a chrome extension that adds a sidechat to your analytics apps like Jupyter and Metabase. Given an instruction, our agent operates the tool - by clicking and typing - to analyze data and answer queries.
Users of analytics apps like Jupyter and Metabase face challenges in operating the tool efficiently to analyze data and answer queries
Lack of an interactive platform to facilitate real-time collaboration and assistance while using analytics apps
Chrome extension with a sidechat feature for analytics apps like Jupyter and Metabase
Users can provide instructions, and the agent of the extension clicks and types to operate the tool and analyze data
Core features include interactive sidechat, automated tool operation, data analysis, and query response
Data scientists, analysts, and professionals using analytics apps like Jupyter and Metabase
Specifically, professionals seeking real-time collaboration and assistance while analyzing data
Unique Features
Sidechat feature for analytics apps
Automated tool operation based on user instructions
Real-time data analysis and query response
Enhanced user experience through interactivity and real-time support
User Comments
Efficient tool for real-time collaboration during data analysis
Helps in streamlining the workflow by providing automated processes
Useful for beginners and experts alike
Intuitive interface and easy to use
Great customer support and regular updates
Growing user base with positive feedback
Continuous improvement with new features
Positive reviews and increasing user engagement
Market Size
The global analytics market was valued at approximately $60.1 billion in 2021,
indicating a substantial user base and demand for analytics tools and solutions