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Mindfuly: Daily AI Meditations
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Mindfuly: Daily AI Meditations
New meditation every morning. With your name in it.
# Mental Health
Featured on : Nov 4. 2023
Featured on : Nov 4. 2023
What is Mindfuly: Daily AI Meditations?
Mindfuly is an mindfulness meditation app that records a morning meditation everyday just for you with your name in it. We design your meditation to empower you and boost your confidence for the day ahead. Available in 6 different languages and 6 narrators.
Users seeking daily mindfulness and meditation face the issue of impersonal experiences that do not cater to their specific needs or include them directly in the process, leading to a less engaging and potentially less effective meditation practice.
Mindfuly is a mindfulness meditation app that delivers a new meditation every morning with the user's name incorporated into the session. This personalized approach is designed to empower and boost confidence for the day ahead. The app is available in 6 different languages and offers 6 narrators, providing a tailored meditation experience.
Individuals seeking a personalized meditation experience, those interested in beginning their day with mindfulness practices, and users looking for meditations in languages other than English.
Unique Features
Personalized meditations with the user's name included, daily new meditation content, availability in 6 different languages, and multiple narrator options.
User Comments
Users appreciate the personalized touch of including their names.
The daily new meditations keep the content fresh and engaging.
Availability in multiple languages is highly valued.
The variety of narrators allows users to find a voice that resonates with them.
The empowerment and confidence boost are noted benefits.
Information regarding specific traction metrics like number of users, MRR, or financing was not available from the provided resources or ProductHunt.
Market Size
The global meditation market size was valued at $9 billion in 2020, with expectations for continued growth, reflecting a healthy demand for mindfulness and meditation apps like Mindfuly.