What is loomli?
Recruiters! Loomli creates personalized loom videos fore every candidate on your list in minutes
Recruiters spending hours creating personalized videos for each candidate on their list
Web-based tool
Create personalized loom videos for every candidate quickly
Streamlining the video creation process
Recruiters and HR professionals dealing with candidate outreach and engagement
Unique Features
Automated personalized video creation for candidates
Efficiently manages candidate communication through videos
User Comments
Saves me so much time with candidate engagement
Great tool for personalizing outreach in our recruitment process
Simplified video creation for candidate interactions
Easy to use and effective for candidate engagement
Helps in standing out as recruiters in a competitive market
Growing MRR and user base
$100k MRR, 5000 users, founder has 1500 followers on ProductHunt
Market Size
Recruitment software market is valued at around $185.05 billion in 2021