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Daily English Listening Exercises
# Education Assistant
Featured on : Sep 9. 2023
Featured on : Sep 9. 2023
What is Listene?
Get better at English listening every day on Listene! Listen to interesting audio clips and answer questions. No need to sign up, just listen and learn. 🎧
Users struggle to improve their English listening skills due to lack of engaging and easily accessible listening materials, leading to slow progress in language learning.
An online platform that offers daily English listening exercises. Users can listen to interesting audio clips and answer questions to improve their English listening skills without the need to sign up, making the process easy and convenient.
English language learners of all ages and levels who are looking to improve their listening comprehension skills.
Unique Features
No signup required, daily updated listening exercises, and a variety of engaging audio clips.
User Comments
There are no specific user comments available at this moment.
Specific traction data isn't available, but the product is featured on ProductHunt which indicates initial recognition and interest.
Market Size
The global digital English language learning market was valued at $3.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow.