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LinkedIn Sales Navigator Search Builder
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LinkedIn Sales Navigator Search Builder
Get more than 2500 results per sales navigator search
# Productivity Tools
Featured on : May 12. 2023
Featured on : May 12. 2023
What is LinkedIn Sales Navigator Search Builder?
Sales Navigator is an amazing tool to find leads on LinkedIn, but cannot get more than 2500 leads per search. This googlesheet template solves the issue by automatically spliting your search per geography.
Sales Navigator users on LinkedIn are restricted to obtaining only up to 2500 leads per search, which significantly limits the scale of lead generation activities. The inability to get more than 2500 leads per search is a significant drawback.
The solution provided is a Google Sheets template designed to overcome the limitation of LinkedIn's Sales Navigator by automatically splitting searches by geography, enabling users to obtain more than 2500 results per sales navigator search.
Sales professionals, marketers, recruiters, and any other LinkedIn users who rely on Sales Navigator for lead generation and are looking to maximize their search results beyond the 2500 lead limit.
Unique Features
The unique feature of this product is its ability to bypass LinkedIn's Sales Navigator search limit by automating the split of searches based on geography. This results in the potential to gather a significantly larger pool of leads.
User Comments
User comments are unavailable due to the nature of the sources provided. Further research might be required to find user testimonials.
Specific quantitative data regarding the product's traction, such as the number of users, MRR/ARR, financing, or version updates, is not available from the provided sources.
Market Size
The exact market size for products enhancing LinkedIn Sales Navigator searches is not readily available. However, the CRM software market, which includes lead generation tools, was valued at $58.04 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow, indicating a large potential market.