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Discover, curate and share places to go
# Trip Planner
Featured on : Jan 31. 2024
Featured on : Jan 31. 2024
What is LFG?
Meet LFG, your Spotify for travel. Discover and share curated 'Placelists' - like playlists for your favorite places. Explore hidden gems from fellow travelers, or create and share your own themed recommendations. Let's f*ing go!
Travelers often find it challenging to discover unique and personally appealing destinations due to overwhelming options and generic recommendations.
LFG is a platform for discovering, curating, and sharing 'Placelists', similar to Spotify but for travel destinations. Users can explore hidden gems and create/share themed recommendations.
Adventurous travelers, travel bloggers, and social media influencers looking for unique travel experiences and recommendations.
Unique Features
The ability to create and share 'Placelists', exploring recommendations through a music playlist-style interface.
User Comments
Users appreciate the novel concept of 'Placelists'.
Many find it useful for discovering unique travel spots.
The sharing feature is popular among users.
Some expressed desires for more user engagement tools.
Positive feedback on the ease of use and interface design.
Since the information is insufficient, specific traction details like number of users, MRR, or financing cannot be provided accurately at this moment.
Market Size
The global online travel market is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2022.