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An app that transforms your newsletters into daily podcasts
# AI Response Generator
Featured on : Aug 24. 2024
Featured on : Aug 24. 2024
What is Lettercast?
Lettercast transforms your newsletter-filled inbox into a personalized podcast, listen while commuting, gym, etc. - Get a daily AI produced podcast of all your newsletters - Easily add newsletters to your account by sending them to a personalized address
Users receive a large number of newsletters in their inbox, making it time-consuming to read through them all
Drawbacks: Time-consuming to read through numerous newsletters
An app that transforms newsletters into daily podcasts
Core features: Listen to a daily AI-produced podcast of all newsletters; Easily add newsletters by sending them to a personalized address
Professionals and individuals who receive multiple newsletters and prefer consuming content through audio formats
Occupation or specific position: Professionals relying on newsletters for updates and information
Unique Features
Transforms text-based newsletters into audio podcasts for easy consumption on the go
User Comments
Saves me a lot of time by converting my newsletters into podcasts
Convenient way to catch up on content while commuting or during workouts
AI-produced podcasts are surprisingly engaging and personalized
Lettercast has gained 10,000 users within the first month of launch
Featured on Product Hunt with positive reviews and user engagement
Market Size
$43 billion audio content market size in 2021, with a growing trend towards audio consumption for information and entertainment