What is Lenso - Conact Lens Tracker?
Keep your eye health in check with Lenso, the ultimate contact lens tracking app designed to make managing your lenses a breeze. Say goodbye to the hassle of remembering replacement dates, delivery timescales and upcoming payments.
Users struggle to remember replacement dates, delivery timescales, and upcoming payments for their contact lenses.
An app designed to track contact lenses, helping users manage their lenses effortlessly by eliminating the hassle of remembering replacement dates, delivery timescales, and upcoming payments.
Core features: lens replacement date reminders, delivery time tracking, and payment schedule management.
Contact lens wearers of all ages and demographics who want to maintain their eye health and ensure proper lens usage.
Unique Features
Automated reminders for lens replacement dates, delivery timescales, and payment schedules, simplifying lens management for users.
User Comments
Great way to stay on top of contact lens maintenance!
Lenso has made it so easy to manage my lenses, highly recommend it!
No more stress about forgetting when to replace my lenses, Lenso has been a lifesaver!
The app is intuitive and user-friendly, a must-have for contact lens wearers.
I love how Lenso streamlines the whole process of lens management.
The product has gained significant traction with over 50k downloads on app stores and positive reviews praising its functionality and convenience.
Market Size
$14.16 billion: Estimated value of the global contact lens market in 2021, indicating a significant market for contact lens-related products and services.