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set a deadline, launch your product, pay charity if you fail
Featured on : Aug 17. 2024
Featured on : Aug 17. 2024
What is LaunchOrPay?
Put your money where your mouth is and launch your product 💳 1️⃣ Set a launch deadline 2️⃣ Set a price if you fail 3️⃣ Pay the price if you haven't launched by midnight! 🎗️ 100% of profit goes to charity
Users often struggle to meet product launch deadlines, leading to delays and missed opportunities.
Web application that allows users to set a launch deadline, specify a price to pay if they fail to launch, and donate the collected amount to charity. Users pay the price if they haven't launched by midnight.
Entrepreneurs, product managers, and startups seeking accountability and motivation to meet their product launch deadlines.
Unique Features
Incorporates the concept of accountability by linking product launch deadlines to monetary consequences for a charitable cause.
User Comments
Great tool to stay committed to launch timelines and contribute to social causes.
Simple yet effective way to hold oneself accountable for product launches.
Love the charity aspect that motivates me to meet my commitments.
Market Size
The market for products focusing on project management, accountability, and charitable giving is estimated to be worth in the range of $5-10 billion.