What is Insights?
Insights instantly generates P&L and cashflow statements from raw bank data. With our top-tier transaction categorization, it ensures accuracy, letting non-tech underwriters and analysts focus on what matters.
Non-tech underwriters and analysts struggle to generate accurate P&L and cashflow statements from raw bank data due to complex transaction categorization, resulting in inefficiencies and errors in the underwriting process. The complexity of transaction categorization and the time-consuming nature of manual data analysis are significant drawbacks.
Insights is a financial analysis tool that instantly generates P&L and cashflow statements from raw bank data. Thanks to its top-tier transaction categorization, it enhances accuracy and efficiency, enabling non-tech underwriters and analysts to focus on critical aspects of underwriting businesses without getting bogged down by the technicalities of data processing.
The primary users of Insights are non-tech underwriters and analysts working in financial institutions, investment firms, and any organization involved in business underwriting and financial analysis.
Unique Features
Insights distinguishes itself through its instant generation of accurate P&L and cashflow statements directly from raw bank data and its superior transaction categorization capabilities.
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Market Size
The global financial analytics market size is expected to reach $11.4 billion by 2023, growing at a significant CAGR.
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