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Keyboard shortcuts for every button in macOS
# Productivity Tools
Featured on : Jan 24. 2023
Featured on : Jan 24. 2023
What is Homerow?
Keyboard shortcuts are fast and awesome. But there are still many actions that require you to reach out for the mouse. Homerow solves this by allowing you to search and click on every button or link in macOS.
Actions in macOS often require reaching out for the mouse, causing breaks in workflow and decreased productivity due to the lack of keyboard shortcuts for every button or link.
Homerow is a software tool that enables searching and clicking on every button or link in macOS using keyboard shortcuts, thus allowing users to maintain their workflow without the need to switch between keyboard and mouse.
macOS users who seek to enhance their productivity and workflow efficiency by minimizing the use of a mouse.
Unique Features
Homerow's unique offering is its ability to provide keyboard shortcuts for EVERY clickable button or link within the macOS environment, a feature not commonly found in default macOS settings or other productivity tools.
User Comments
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Information about Homerow's traction, such as user numbers, revenue, updates, or other performance indicators, requires targeted research or insights directly from the product listings or company updates.
Market Size
The global productivity software market is experiencing growth, with a projected market size of $102.98 billion by 2027, indicating a substantial market opportunity for tools like Homerow that improve efficiency.