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Работа в Москве, поиск персонала и публикация вакансий
# Job Listing Platform
Featured on : Sep 9. 2024
Featured on : Sep 9. 2024
What is — сервис, который помогает найти работу и подобрать персонал в Москве более 20 лет! Создавайте резюме и откликайтесь на вакансии. Набирайте сотрудников и публикуйте вакансии.
Users struggle to find suitable job opportunities and candidates for employment, leading to inefficiencies and mismatches in the job market.
Online platform for job seekers and recruiters to find job opportunities and candidates in Moscow
Create resumes, apply for vacancies, recruit employees, and post job openings
Job seekers and recruiters in Moscow
Unique Features
Longevity in the market for over 20 years, providing extensive experience and trust in the service
User Comments
Efficient platform for job hunting and recruitment
User-friendly interface for creating resumes and posting vacancies
High success rate in matching candidates with job openings
Reliable service with a proven track record
Essential tool for both job seekers and recruiters in Moscow
One of the leading job search and recruitment platforms in Moscow
Over 20 years of operation showcasing strong market presence and user base
Market Size
Job search and recruitment market in Moscow has a significant size and potential, given the city's population of over 12 million people and a diverse job market.