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Where ad inspiration is never hidden
# Advertising Assistant
Featured on : Nov 27. 2023
Featured on : Nov 27. 2023
What is Heystak?
Save Ads from Anywhere, Forever, free. Source ad inspiration, save ads from Facebook, Instagram & TikTok, craft storyboards, team up for collaboration, and supercharge your advertising game.
Advertisers and marketers struggle to source ad inspiration efficiently, facing difficulties in saving and organizing ads from various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. This fragmentation leads to challenges in crafting coherent storyboards and collaborating with team members.
Heystak is a platform where users can save ads from Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, organize them, craft storyboards, and collaborate with teams. It offers a centralized solution to grade and manage ad inspiration and streamline the advertising process.
The primary users of Heystak are advertisers, marketers, and creative teams looking for an efficient way to gather inspiration, manage advertisements, and collaborate on advertising projects.
Unique Features
Heystak uniquely allows users to save ads from multiple social platforms indefinitely, aiding in gathering inspiration with an easy-to-use interface for collaboration and storyboard crafting which differentiates it from simple bookmarking tools.
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$0 MRR and 0 users, its founder has 0 followers on X.
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