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Helicone AI
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Helicone AI
Open-source LLM Observability for Developers
# DevOps Assistant
Featured on : Aug 22. 2024
Featured on : Aug 22. 2024
What is Helicone AI?
The LLM observability platform for monitoring, debugging and improving your AI apps. Helicone is the open-source LangSmith alternative that provides a 1-line integration to access cost tracking, agent tracing, prompt management and more - get started for free.
Developers face challenges in monitoring, debugging, and enhancing the performance of AI applications.
Lack of efficient tools for monitoring, debugging, and enhancing AI apps.
Dashboard tool providing LLM observability for AI applications.
Users can seamlessly integrate the platform with a 1-line code for access to features like cost tracking, agent tracing, and prompt management.
Features include cost tracking, agent tracing, prompt management.
Developers and AI app creators seeking to monitor, debug, and optimize their applications.
Unique Features
Open-source architecture and simple integration with a single line of code.
Open-source platform and easy integration
User Comments
Provides excellent insights into AI apps performance.
Simplified monitoring and debugging processes.
Intuitive and user-friendly design.
Great tool for optimizing AI applications.
Highly recommended for developers working with AI technologies.
Currently unavailable. Further research or access to product website may provide traction details.
Market Size
The global AI observability market is valued at approximately $520 million.