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Have I Been Encoded
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Have I Been Encoded
Keep track of what all the different AI's say about you
# AI Detector
Featured on : Apr 18. 2023
Featured on : Apr 18. 2023
What is Have I Been Encoded?
AI's are now search engines. Are you famous enough to have been encoded? Keep track of what different AI's say about the most important person in the world - yourself. Make sure they do not lie & hallucinate when it comes to the stuff that matters!
Individuals are uncertain about their digital footprint and reputation across various AI-driven search engines, leading to concerns about inaccuracies and misrepresentations in how they are portrayed online.
A web service that allows individuals to monitor and track what various AI search engines say about them, ensuring information accuracy and preventing misinformation about their persona.
Public figures, professionals, influencers, and individuals concerned about their online reputation and privacy.
Unique Features
Specifically designed to track AI-generated content about individuals, allowing for real-time updates and corrections on misinformation.
User Comments
There are no user comments available for review at this time.
Data on product version, user base, and revenue are not available at this time.
Market Size
Not directly available, but the online reputation management market is growing, with expectations to continue expanding as digital presence becomes increasingly significant.