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HackerPulse - The Ultimate Dev Profile
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HackerPulse - The Ultimate Dev Profile
Aggregate your GitHub, LinkedIn & more into one dev profile
# Website Builder
Featured on : Jul 23. 2024
Featured on : Jul 23. 2024
What is HackerPulse - The Ultimate Dev Profile?
Bring together your GitHub, Stack Overflow, and LinkedIn profiles into a single HackerPulse dev profile. Perfect for job applications and networking, HackerPulse profile gives a complete picture of your skills and projects, all in one place.
Software developers and tech professionals had to manage multiple platforms like GitHub, LinkedIn, and Stack Overflow separately for job applications and networking, which was inefficient and fragmented.
HackerPulse provides a combined developer profile by aggregating data from GitHub, LinkedIn, and Stack Overflow. It functions as a unified dashboard, showcasing a complete picture of a developer’s skills and projects in a single view, making it ideal for job applications and networking.
The primary users of HackerPulse are software developers, tech professionals, and job seekers in the tech industry who want to efficiently display a consolidated profile of their skills and projects.
Unique Features
The unique feature of HackerPulse is its ability to integrate and display information from multiple key professional and coding platforms (GitHub, LinkedIn, Stack Overflow) in a single consolidated profile.
User Comments
Saves time by integrating profiles
Great for keeping portfolio up to date
Helpful for job hunting
Easy to use and set up
Enhances online professional visibility
Launched on ProductHunt, specifics about user numbers and revenue are not detailed publicly.
Market Size
The global talent acquisition solutions market, which benefits from tools like HackerPulse, is projected to grow to $14 billion by 2025.