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Gradient Generator v2
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Gradient Generator v2
Create gorgeous gradients in 8 color spaces
# Design & Art
Featured on : Aug 7. 2024
Featured on : Aug 7. 2024
What is Gradient Generator v2?
Create & export linear, radial, & conic gradients. Automatically creates vivid, colorful gradients in 8 different color spaces. One-click CSS or SVG (drag-and-drop into Figma, Sketch, Canva, etc).
Users struggle to create attractive and visually appealing gradients for their designs manually.
A web tool that allows users to create and export linear, radial, and conic gradients effortlessly.
Automatically creates vivid, colorful gradients in 8 different color spaces. One-click CSS or SVG export for easy integration with popular design tools like Figma, Sketch, and Canva.
Graphic designers, web designers, UI/UX designers, marketers, and social media content creators.
Unique Features
Automatic generation of gradients in multiple color spaces.
Seamless export options to CSS and SVG formats.
Easy integration with various design tools for enhanced workflow.
User Comments
Saves a lot of time and effort in creating gradients for design projects.
Intuitive and user-friendly interface.
Great tool for both beginners and advanced designers.
Helps in enhancing the visual appeal of designs.
Useful for digital marketing campaigns and social media posts.
Over 5,000 upvotes on Product Hunt.
Positive reviews highlighting ease of use and efficiency.
Featured in design communities and platforms.
High user engagement and shares on social media.
Continuous updates and new features to improve user experience.
Market Size
The global graphic design software market size was valued at $3.41 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $5.63 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 7.1%.