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GrabContacts Google Maps Scraper
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GrabContacts Google Maps Scraper
Scrape local business leads from Google Maps listings
# Lead Generation
Featured on : Sep 3. 2024
Featured on : Sep 3. 2024
What is GrabContacts Google Maps Scraper?
Scrape email addresses and phone numbers of local businesses from Google Maps Business Listings. Search using any keyword (example: Accountants in New York) and extract results from Google Maps in spreadsheet format.
Users manually searching and collecting contact information of local businesses from Google Maps listings
Drawbacks: Time-consuming and inefficient process, prone to errors and incomplete data
Web tool for scraping email addresses and phone numbers of local businesses from Google Maps listings
Core Features: Extract contact information by searching with keywords, results in spreadsheet format
Freelance marketers, sales professionals, small business owners
Occupation: Marketing specialists, lead generation professionals
Unique Features
Automated extraction of contact details from Google Maps listings
Customizable search using specific keywords
User Comments
Easy-to-use tool for generating leads quickly
Helped in expanding client database efficiently
Saved time compared to manual extraction methods
Accurate results with comprehensive data
Great for targeted marketing campaigns
Over 500+ upvotes on Product Hunt
Positive user reviews highlighting effectiveness and time-saving benefits
Market Size
$98.24 billion global digital marketing software market size in 2021
Growing demand for lead generation tools in the B2B sector