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GPT 3.5 Turbo Playground
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GPT 3.5 Turbo Playground
A micro app to try the new ChatGPT API
# Developer Tools
Featured on : Mar 6. 2023
Featured on : Mar 6. 2023
What is GPT 3.5 Turbo Playground?
A simple PHP-based wrapper for the ChatGPT API. Made for personal use and friends in China. Now sharing with the PH community.
Users in China and perhaps beyond face restricted access to certain APIs and services due to limitations or blocks, making it difficult for them to utilize the ChatGPT API for personal or communal advancement.
A PHP-based wrapper for the ChatGPT API that simplifies the process of accessing and utilizing the capabilities of ChatGPT, specially designed for personal use and sharing within the user community in China.
The main users are developers, tech enthusiasts, and general users in China or other regions with restricted access to certain online services, who have a need for integrating or using the ChatGPT API in their projects or personal tasks.
Unique Features
Easy to use PHP wrapper specifically tailored for ChatGPT API access, addressing the unique challenges faced by users in restricted regions.
User Comments
Great workaround for API access limitations
User-friendly for developers in restricted regions
Solves a significant problem for tech enthusiasts
Appreciated by the developer community
Opens up new possibilities for personal projects
Newly introduced micro app
Shared within a niche community
Potential user base primarily in China
Increasing interest among tech enthusiasts
Market Size
The market for tools overcoming internet restrictions and API access issues, including sophisticated wrapping technologies, is anticipated to grow, with China's digital population of 989 million users serving as a primary target.