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Preview your GitHub pull requests via Laravel Forge
# [DevOps Assistant]
Featured on : Aug 10. 2024
Featured on : Aug 10. 2024
What is Glimpse?
Glimpse automatically deploys GitHub pull requests to preview environments using Laravel Forge, enabling Laravel developers to quickly and easily see how changes will look and function before merging them into a main branch.
Developers struggle to preview GitHub pull requests before merging them into the main branch
Drawbacks: Lack of efficient tools leads to potential issues merging changes into the main branch without proper testing
A tool that automatically deploys GitHub pull requests to preview environments using Laravel Forge
Core features: Deploy pull requests automatically for preview, enable quick visualization of changes, ensure testing before merging
Laravel developers, GitHub users working with pull requests
Unique Features
Automated deployment of pull requests for quick preview
Integration with Laravel Forge for easy environment setup
Streamlining the process of visualizing and testing changes before merging
User Comments
Easy to use and saves time with pre-merge previews
Helps in identifying issues early and avoids broken code in the main branch
Saves developers from manual deployment hassles
Great tool for Laravel developers handling GitHub pull requests
Improves collaboration and code quality among team members
Glimpse has gained traction with over 500 active users
Integrated with multiple GitHub repositories
Positive reviews and feedback highlighting its efficiency
Market Size
Global market for DevOps tools is estimated around $15.67 billion in 2021
Increasing adoption of DevOps practices and tools contributing to market growth