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Ghost AI
The First AI-Powered Email Productivity Platform
# Email Assistant
Featured on : May 5. 2023
Featured on : May 5. 2023
What is Ghost AI?
Introducing GhostAI, the first productivity email platform powered by AI to automate emails! Be one of the first 100 users to sign up now at Use GhostAI to reply and send emails with a click of a button using developer approach.
Users have to spend a significant amount of time managing their inbox, replying, and sending emails, which can be overwhelming and inefficient due to the manual and repetitive nature of the task.
GhostAI offers an AI-powered email productivity platform that automates the process of replying and sending emails with just a click of a button, using a developer approach.
Busy professionals, including executives, entrepreneurs, and developers, looking to improve email management and productivity.
Unique Features
The unique feature of GhostAI is its ability to automate emails using AI, tailored for professionals seeking efficiency in their inbox management.
User Comments
Users are impressed with the platform's ability to save time.
Positive feedback on the ease of use.
Appreciation for the AI's accuracy in replying and sending emails.
Positive reception for the concept of automating mundane email tasks.
Some users requested additional features and integrations.
GhostAI has garnered interest as a pioneer in AI-powered email productivity, with a notable mention of being among the first 100 users to sign up offering insights into its growing user base.
Market Size
The global email marketing market, which is relevant for email productivity tools like GhostAI, is expected to reach $17.9 billion by 2027.