What is Freepik Video?
Discover a collection of stunning stock videos and motion graphics and turn your projects into moving stories. Download for free or get all-access with Freepik Premium.
Users struggle to find professionally-made stock footage and motion graphics that fit their project's needs, leading to challenges in turning their projects into moving stories. Challenges include the difficulty in finding high-quality, relevant content that can be easily integrated into their work.
Freepik Video is a platform offering a collection of stunning stock videos and motion graphics. Users can discover and download these resources for free or gain all-access with Freepik Premium. Users can utilize these high-quality videos and graphics to enhance their projects, turning them into moving stories.
Content creators, filmmakers, marketing professionals, and graphic designers looking for high-quality stock footage and motion graphics to incorporate into their projects.
Unique Features
Freepik Video stands out for its vast collection of professionally-made stock footage and motion graphics, the option to download content for free, and an all-access pass through the Freepik Premium subscription.
User Comments
Users generally appreciate the quality and variety of available footage.
Ease of use and navigation of the platform is frequently praised.
The free download option is highly valued by those testing or on tight budgets.
Premium subscription provides significant value for frequent users.
Some users express a desire for an even wider range of video content.
As the platform is relatively new and specific figures are not provided, precise traction data such as the number of users or revenue is unavailable.
Market Size
The global stock video market size is projected to reach $5 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 7.8% from 2021 to 2028, indicating a significant market opportunity for Freepik Video.